It all started sneakily enough. A number of unmarked vehicles showed up, and some engineering-type people began unloading equipment. “Nothing to worry about” was the news the ducks got from their sentries. The engineering-types then started setting up their equipment and only when the ducks heard the shouts of “lights, camera, action” did they realise that they had been fooled.

Heston Blumenthal, world-famous chef and owner of the highly-rated restaurant, The Fat Duck, had arrived to film a recipe commercial for Waitrose. While Waitrose is one of the United Kingdom’s leading food retailers, they are also involved in the Waitrose Foundation, an organisation aimed at improving the lives of the people involved in the production of what Waitrose puts on the shelves.

We have been working closely with the Waitrose Foundation for a number of years and our relationship is one of mutual benefit. While Waitrose gets to offer their customers our sustainable and organic produce, they in turn plough money back into the development of our workers and their children. Definitely a win-win situation and something we are proud to be involved with.

See the end result “Heston Blumenthal’s Lemon Tart Recipe ” as filmed on Avondale in May 2010.